Exercise Tutorial Videos
In this section you will find exercise tutorial videos on how to perform exercises! This covers all postural stretches and warm ups, upper & lower body exercises including abdominal's and arms!
The videos all contain voice overs so please make sure you have the volume up to listen to the coaching points and cues!
Thoracic Extensions
This stretch is perfect before lifting weights as it works from the top your shoulder blades to bottom of your back. It releases tension and tightness out of the posterior (back) muscles.
This stretch is perfect before lifting weights as it works from the top your shoulder blades to bottom of your back. It releases tension and tightness out of the posterior (back) muscles.
Hip Flexor
Before working out your legs and glutes I really do recommend this stretch! It's great for opening up the hips and alleviating tension & tightness out of the muscles before you start lifting!
Before working out your legs and glutes I really do recommend this stretch! It's great for opening up the hips and alleviating tension & tightness out of the muscles before you start lifting!
90/90 Stretch
Before working out your legs and glutes I really do recommend this stretch! It's great for opening up the hips and alleviating tension & tightness out of the muscles before you start lifting!
Before working out your legs and glutes I really do recommend this stretch! It's great for opening up the hips and alleviating tension & tightness out of the muscles before you start lifting!
Rec Fem Stretch
Heel Raised Squat
Why raise the heel? Most people struggle with ankle mobility this will help you to get the mobility in your ankles to get your squat lower.
Why raise the heel? Most people struggle with ankle mobility this will help you to get the mobility in your ankles to get your squat lower.
Outer Thigh Machine
Inner Thigh Machine
Barbell Glute Bridges
I recommend wearing flat shoes like converse or vans!
I recommend wearing flat shoes like converse or vans!
Seated Hamstring Curl
Lying Hamstring Curl
Leg Extensions
Split Squats
I recommend wearing flat shoes like converse or vans & be sure to use the decline bench or a soft space to rest your foot/heel!
I recommend wearing flat shoes like converse or vans & be sure to use the decline bench or a soft space to rest your foot/heel!
Split Squats To Floor
Leg Press
I recommend wearing flat shoes like converse or vans!
I recommend wearing flat shoes like converse or vans!
Plate Loaded Leg Press
1st video is a safety demo
2nd video exercise demo
1st video is a safety demo
2nd video exercise demo
Dumbbell RDL's
Single Leg RDL
Barbell RDL's
Barbell Squats
1st video is a safety & set up demo
2nd video is the exercise demo
1st video is a safety & set up demo
2nd video is the exercise demo
Walking Lunges
Make sure you complete body weight ones before adding any weights to practice technique!
Make sure you complete body weight ones before adding any weights to practice technique!
Assisted Pull-Up Machine
Bodyweight Pull-Ups
Do not go too wide with your grip on this one! Keep practicing these consistently if you want to be able to do them. Patience & consistency is key with pull-ups!
Do not go too wide with your grip on this one! Keep practicing these consistently if you want to be able to do them. Patience & consistency is key with pull-ups!
Lat Pull Downs
Seated Row Machine
Close Grip Pull Downs
Low Seated Row Machine
Plate Loaded Seated Row
Hammer Pull Down
Shoulder Press
This can be done on a 45 degree angle or 60 degree angle, find which position works best for you!
This can be done on a 45 degree angle or 60 degree angle, find which position works best for you!
Shoulder Press Machine
Rope Cable Face Pull
Plate Loaded Shoulder Press
Cable Frontal Raises
Dumbbell/Plate Weight Lateral Raises
Make sure you lean forward when you get tired on these!
Make sure you lean forward when you get tired on these!
Cable Side Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Chest Press
This one can be done flat, on a 30 or 45 degree incline, you will need to find which one works best for your back and spine as everyone is different! One you have adjusted the bench, make sure you take the dumbbells upwards in the centre and turn them outwards. As you begin to bring the dumbbells down make sure they are in line with your chest, not your shoulders. Push your arms back up and repeat for reps, you should feel the stretch and squeeze on your chest aswell as feeling some resistance on your arms!
Dumbbell Chest Flyes
I would recommend doing this one on an incline to ensure your back and spine is well supported. For this one you start with the dumbbells joined together at the top so they are in line with the centre of your chest. From here you glide the dumbbells outwards with a slight bend in your elbows, again with this one be careful to not take your arms too low! As you draw back in come all the way back up and towards the centre, do it slowly & controlled!
Cable Cross Over
You can do this from higher angles but to work the chest directly I recommend doing chest level!
You can do this from higher angles but to work the chest directly I recommend doing chest level!
Make sure you choose a cable where both sides work and are in good working order. If the cable feels strange or has extra resistance than the other please don't use it and perform a chest flye with dumbbells or the machine below. Set the cables up to the correct setting and it should be relatively in line with your chest. From here take a big stride forward with one foot in front of the other. From here glide your arms out like a semi circle and draw the arms back into a straight line towards the centre of your chest. Don't take your arms too far back otherwise you will injure and hurt your back/shoulders.
Chest Flye Machine
This one is a machine based chest flye and this can be done with dumbbells when you are ready to advance onto it! With this one make sure you set it to chest level and you are comfortable by pushing your back and head to the seat. From here gently wrap your arms around the pads and bring the pads towards the centre of your chest, then release and repeat for reps.
Barbell Bench Press (FLAT)
You can do several bench press movements such as incline, decline and flat. I have chosen to show flat here as it's the easiest to perform. With an incline you will hit more of the upper chest and with a decline you will hit more lower chest. With the barbell bench press make sure if you can't reach it that well you ask or have someone to spot you from behind. Make sure they help pull it back in to the safety catch and spot you under your elbows to prevent injury.
Rope Tricep Extension
One rope will be fine for this exercise, but if you can make the rope longer by using two! You will stretch more of your tricep and work that extra bit harder with more comfort in the setup! Make sure you don't come up too high and keep arms at a 90 degree angle as you repeat for reps. On the way up come to 90 degrees and keep your hands close together! With this one you will really feel the burn!!!
Bicep Curls
With any bicep curl or arm movements, try not to force your elbows into a position that doesn't feel comfortable to go with. Try standing with your feet together if that doesn't work or feel right try standing with your feet hip width apart. With the grip if you are using a bar then ensure your elbows can move up & down comfortably. If using dumbbells keep them by your side, hold each dumbbell in the middle and close to you so that you can curl them up & down slowly.
Reverse Crunch
Make sure the bench is flat and you cross your legs over, from here engage your tummy and push your back down to the bench. With this one you are not using momentum which is why legs need to be crossed. Pull your knees up using your tummy muscles and go over towards your head, then lower back down and repeat!
Hanging Raises
This is a very advanced movement but if you have the confidence to try it then go for it!
You may find it very hard to move the legs at first, if this is the case just allow yourself to hang there and this will increase your strength to hold yourself up over time.
You may find it very hard to move the legs at first, if this is the case just allow yourself to hang there and this will increase your strength to hold yourself up over time.
Plank Hold
For a plank hold it's imperative you keep your back straight and hips up in line with your body. Don't bring the hips to high or dip them low, make sure you do these in front of a mirror or video yourself so you can check your technique. You can start with a modified version and then work up to the more advanced one later on!